Auto Messaging can simplify your repetitive communications, save time and enhance the efficiency in taking up new jobs.
New customers usually ask similar questions at the beginning, e.g., can you provide past product or service for reference, can you provide more information about your service, or can you call me etc. If you use the Auto Messaging function, you can automate the responses for common questions, which not only saves you a lot of time, but allows you to respond immediately. This may even increase the chance of you being chosen by the customers.
Set up Auto Messaging
- From Services, choose the service item that you would like to have Auto Messaging. Click that Service Category and you will see the option of Auto Messaging on the bottom.
- In Services, choose Service Category, then choose Pricing
When will the system send the auto message for me
- Auto Message is triggered by both the specific event and condition. In other words, when the event happens, and if your pre-set condition is met, the system will send your Auto Message to the customers. Both the specific event and condition must be met together for the Auto Message to be sent by the system.
The below photo is an illustration of the setup of Auto Messaging using Home Cleaning:
⭕️Event: When you use the Auto Quote Promotion Service
⭕️Condition: When the customer choose the category General Home Cleaning
➤The system will send the Auto Message.
Edit Auto Message
- You should customize your own Auto Message. Base on the scenario of each event, you can design your own message.
For example, prepare the additional information that you would like to provide to the customers after they read your quotations; or get ready the link of your previous service or products so that you can send it to the customers if they so request.
Add Customer Names
- The function Customer Names allows you to add the names of each customer for personalized messages, through which, customers will feel more personal and more positive towards your service. Click the Add Customer button. Blue colour Customer will appear when the name is successfully added.
Your customized message: Hi (Customer), I provide Home Cleaning Service.
Customer Peter Lee will see the customized message:
Hi Peter Lee, I provide Home Cleaning Service.
Activate and Suspend Auto Messaging
- You can control when to activate or suspend Auto Messaging by clicking on the upper left of the messages. If the function is turned off, even if the specific event and condition are met, the system will not send out any Auto Message.
Auto Messaging Quick Set Up
- The system has already built in some commonly used Auto Messages. Click Auto Messaging Quick Set Up on the bottom. There is no need to pre-set event or condition. Go direct to the editing page to construct your message.
If you have other suggestions on what to add to your message, please feel free to send it to our Customer Service mailbox:
Let us know how to safe your precious time. We will continue to enhance the Auto Messaging function.
Notes: You should not display your contact information, including WhatsApp number or email in an Open Message.
Open Messages mean messages sent to customers before you obtain the contact information of the customers, e.g., Promotion Service messages. Closed Messages mean Chatroom messages between you and the customers after you have made your quotations. If you have shown your contact information in Open Messages, the system will suppress your contact information and the customers may not be able to see your messages. So please make sure that you only send your contact information to customers in Closed Messages.
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