Once you have deleted your PRO360 account, you cannot get it back. If you have changed your mind in future, you need to re-register.
Notification setting: If you do not want to take jobs at the moment, you can just suspend the reception of email notification. Please follow these steps:
Web version: When you login your PRO360 account, click the account icon on the upper right corner to choose Settings. Click Notification Setting and you can manage your notification.
App version: Click Profile on the setting of the upper right corner, choose Notification Setting and you can manage your notification.
Pro Profile: If you wish to delete your pro profile, please follow these steps:
Web version: When you login your PRO360 account, click the account icon on the upper right corner to choose Profile. Click Delete Company.
App version: Click Profile, then confirm delete on the bottom.
If you do wish to delete your account, please use the web version and follow these steps:
Settings: Use web version to login your account. Click your account icon and from the pull down menu choose Settings. Click Delete Account.
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