When choosing pros, the customers will first consider your pro profile. If there is little information in the pro profile, the customers may doubt your service. A complete pro profile not only gives a good first impression to the customers but makes them feel like contacting you proactively for a discussion.
On the upper left side of the PRO360 page, click Look Up Pros to select the service you provide, check if your pro profile is displayed in the first few pages. If you wish to raise your ranking, please refer to the following ways:
- Make reference to high-quality pro profile
You can make reference to the pro profile listed on the first page of the Pro Listing, and see how pros with higher ranking write their pro profile. Based on the comparison, identify areas for improvement, e.g., insert or enhance the detailed description of past experiences, provide photos and descriptions of your successful cases, increase the numbers of Customer Reviews and Customer Recommendations, so that the customers can understand how you are different from the other pros.
- Different pro profiles for different services?
If you provide several different services, create different pro profiles. For instance, if you teach both English and Piano, customers may see your experience. Given the experience, they may skip your profile and choose someone else. Only related services should be put in one pro profile.
- Pro Profile not attaining score of 50
If your pro profile does not attain the score of 50, it will not be displayed in the Pro Listing. Please make improvements to raise the score to at least 75, as 75 is the overall average score of all pros in PRO360.
4. Cannot see your pro profile?
You still cannot see your profile in the Pro Listing even your pro profile score attains over 50? Don’t worry. Your profile may not be displayed on the first page; however, when a customer raises a job request, the system will take turns in showing your pro profile.
- How to enhance your visibility?
If you want a dramatic increase in your visibility, you can use the value-adding Promote Service function. After turning on Promote Service, as long as a customer’s job request meets your setting, your pro profile and quotation will be displayed automatically so that customers can contact you directly.
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