What can the credits be used for?
Credits are PRO360’s way of payment. We provide a variety of payment methods, such as credit cards and bank transfer. You can choose single payment or automatic top-up credits. For details, please read "Credit packs".
Can credits be refunded?
After you have contacted the customers, if there are any unusual circumstances, e.g., wrong contact information, or job requests raised by customers do not match with the actual conditions, you can feedback the problems via the chat room. Our customer service team will review the job as soon as possible. If the refund condition is met, we will refund the credits to your PRO360 account. However, credits cannot be refunded as cash. FAQ on quote fee and refund
Can credits be used for “Promotion Service”?
Yes, credits can be used for all PRO360 quote methods, including “Manual Quote”, "Guaranteed reply quote" and “Promotion Service” (Automatic Quote).
How Automatic Top-up Credits works?
Automatic Top-up means when there is insufficient balance, we will automatically top-up credits based on your chosen plan and payment method.
Why is there a test charge for my credit card?
When you register your credit card for top-up credits or a single credit purchase, the system will debit $5 HKD for test verification. Once verified, that $5 HKD will be credited back to your account.
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