If you have not made a quote but still received a fee deduction notice, there are two possibilities:
- You are using Promotion Service to contact customers proactively:
Promotion Service is a function in PRO360 to develop customer base. A fee will only be charged when the customers take the initiation to contact you. If you wish to turn off the promotion service, you should go to "Service" and turn off the Promotion Service according to your Line of Work. You do not need to change the Auto Top-up Credit setting or payment method.
- Already contacted customers before you turn off Promotion Service
When you turn off the Promotion Service, the system will stop making auto quote to customers for you. However, if the customers, who have received your auto quote before the function is turned off, proactively contacted you, the system will still determine that this is a communication related to the Promotion Service, and will deduct the fee.
Except for the above conditions, you will not be charged if you have not made any quotes proactively.
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