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PRO360 Help Center
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PRO360 Service Details
How to make a job request?
What if I just want to know the price?
Do I need to pay fees for searching services?
Is the price for the service determined by me and the pro?
What can I do if I am not able to find required service in the service categories?
PRO's review
How can I understand pros' service quality
How to give a review on pro?
Manage "My request"
Cancel a job request
"My account" setting
Can I change my email address ?
Forgot your account/password?
Change account password
Create your account
Manage your account
How to become a pro (for customers)
How to proceed phone verification?
Explanation on business registration and license verification
How can I find a pro immediately when my case is urgent?
PRO360 is responsible for handling disputes between the customers and the pros?